... kommt nix!
The Chamber of Horror Mistakes
Ben jumpinto the swimming pool. His father laugh about that.
He get's the information from the Elders.
NIE vergessen: das -s im 3rd person singular Jedes Vergessen wird als ein neuer, ganzer Fehler angerechnet. Das haut rein (in den Fehlerquotienten)!
 He / she / it, 
 das-s muss mit.


The Giver was an old man who saves the community's memories.
At the next tree he stopped and has a rest.
Tempus nicht unbegründet wechseln. Faustregel
=> bei Analysen / Interpretationen / Comment: Simple Present - es sei denn,  man will was bestimmtes sagen
=> in Geschichten (creative writing): 
Formen des Past
To John it seems to be __extremely helpful  , but of course that isn't the whole truth. Zitierweise beachten
  • Alles als Zitat angeben, was nicht auf dem eigenen Mist gewachsen ist!
  • So zitieren, wie es in der Textvorlage steht! - Kleinere Abweichungen durch [Klammern] markieren!
  • Das Zitat flüssig in den Satz(bau) einbinden!

  • Example:
    To John it seems to be "extremely helpful" (l.4), but of course this isn't the whole truth.
They saw much people.
They have lost their life.
They have to tell their dream.
Konkordanz beachten, die Entsprechung von Satzteilen:
Singular <=> Plural
They saw many people.
They have lost their lives.
They have to tell their dreams.
They don't knows that.
They didn't knew that.
He doesn't can believe it.
They were aren't allowed to do it.
Fiona doesn't knew what to say.
Jonas would flee from the community. would heißt nicht <wollte>, sondern <pflegte (stets) zu ...> <wollte> heißt: wanted to:
Jonas wanted to flee from the community.
Jonas wanted that she went with him. want Jonas wanted her to come with him.
In the community it gives  a lot of rules.
It gives a strict rule about marriage.
there is ... 
there are ...
In the community there are  a lot of rules.
There is  a strict rule about marriage.
Also: TU WAS !